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The Advantages of Plastic Piping

PlumbingSupportPlumbing support system

When you have no choice but to have your pipework on display in your home, a well-designed and fitted copper pipe can look great, almost like a piece of modern art, especially when polished. But if your pipework is going to be concealed, plastic is definitely the way forward.


By its very nature, a plastic pipe has a reasonable amount of flex in it, especially along a decent sized length of it, this is a great bonus when trying to line pipes up under floors or in cavities. It also means that you don’t have to be quite as precise, fitting times for a system using mainly plastic pipe are greatly reduced over traditional methods.

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Plumbing Pipes – The Best Choices for Your Home

Pipe-Prop-Assembly-Step-3In days gone by, choices for plumbing pipework were few and there was no flexibility, quite literally; metal pipework, rigid in construction and had to be fitted precisely.

The modern world being what it is though has opened up that choice and flexibility; modern plastic pipes that can be fitted anywhere, capable of withstanding high and low temperatures and flexible enough to bend gently around many obstructions or planning design.

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Best Method To Attach Plastic To Copper Plumbing

Plumbing-RepairPutting aside the differences between plastic and copper pipework, what happens when you want to connect them to each other?

Many solutions!

Ask five different plumbers as to what is the best method and you’re just as likely to come away with five different answers. So how do you decide which is the best method?

The best method!

Truth be told, no-one can really tell you which is the best method period, they can certainly give you their opinion or their experience with their favoured method but that is as far as it goes.
Which doesn’t really sound that helpful, does it?

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Roofing Safety Prevents Injuries

Roof-Under-Construction-2-300x193Safety is the number one priority when installing or repairing a roof. Any job that involves working at a height has greater potential for injury, and a fall from a roof or ladder can be deadly. On a pitched roof, the slope adds to the danger, while on a flat roof, pipes can present tripping hazards. Following tips for roofing safety and mounting pipes with supports from Pipe Prop can reduce the incidents of injury during roof repair.

Tips for Preventing Falls

  • Choose boots with soft soles to provide good traction on the roof.
  • Helmets can prevent a serious fall from turning deadly.
  • Don’t work on a roof when it is wet.
  • Make sure that the area where you will be working is as free of clutter as possible.
  • Practice ladder safety.

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Why the Pipe Prop Pipe Support System Should Be in Your Toolbox






Contractor-Handyman-ThumbsUp-e1410207073572The right pipe support system can come in handy at a number of different job sites.

Fortunately, Pipe Prop offers industry professionals an indispensable tool that quickly and easily secures pipes, thereby creating a safer and more efficient working environment.

Whether working with electrical components or plumbing systems, Pipe Prop can optimize your project, as well as protect important structures from becoming damaged. For these reasons and many others, all workers should consider making Pipe Prop an essential part of their tool kits. Read more