
A Quality Pipe Prop Helps Improve Roofing Safety

PipeProp-Close-Up-300x199Working on top of buildings presents a few challenges. Along with the weather, there are other conditions a contractor must pay attention to in order to remain safe while on the job. Often times, there is piping running along a roof. A good pipe prop system helps protect both the tubing as well as the workers by increasing roofing safety. At Pipe Prop, we offer support systems that can be used in just about any setting.

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Roofing Worker Safety Compromised Without Pipe Prop

iStock_000017130467Small1Working on industrial roofs can be dangerous if the right precautions are not taken. At Pipe Prop, our innovative adjustable pipe prop support device helps roofing contractors stay safe on the job so accidents like what recently happened in Hawaii are less likely to occur.

A Fatal Fall

A company in Hawaii, Color Dynamics Inc., was issued a citation by the Hawaii State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations Occupational Safety and Health Division (HIOSH) for failing to provide their workers with a safe environment. The employees working at this company were exposed to both electrical and falling hazards while they were on the job.

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Pipe Supports Help Many Industry Professionals

PipeProp-Close-Up-300x199Are you looking to increase the productivity and efficiency of your business? Plumbers, electricians, and other industry professionals can all benefit from the flexible design of pipe supports. Here at Pipe Prop, we want to help your business grow with our versatile pipe support system. Our top notch system is durable and is designed to anchor, guide, absorb shock, and support the load on the piping.

Ways a Pipe Support Can Help Your Business

The versatility of the pipe support allows it to be utilized in many professional industries. Here are a few of the ways pipe supports can help your business in various professions:

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Why Effective Pipe Anchors Are Necessary

pipe-anchorsWhen it comes to reputations, it is clear to us at Pipe Prop that the materials used on the job will play a significant role. The quality of the craftsmanship and the experience of the craftsman will be made irrelevant if inferior materials are used. With a number of industry professionals relying on pipe anchors for pipe support, it is important that a quality product be used so as to avoid good work going to waste due to an inadequate support system. There are a number of industry professionals that need to use some sort of support system for piping, including:

  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Roofers
  • Architects
  • HVAC professionals

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An Adjustable Pipe Support Protects Roofers

iStock_000017130467Small1Here at Pipe Prop, we want to help you protect your roofing employees and keep your costs down. Our simple, adjustable pipe support is easy to set up and use, and it keeps pipes out of the way so roofers can easily see and work around them. When roofing jobs use our pipe supports, the small change the supports make results in a big difference for employees and the bottom line.

Protect Roofers

One of the most common reasons for falls is tripping. Of course, roofers should wear safety equipment at all times, regardless of conditions, but reducing tripping hazards goes a long way in protecting employees. An adjustable pipe support keeps pipes organized and visible. Loose pipes have a tendency to shift, roll, and otherwise become nuisances, and roofers must repeatedly step over or around them. With pipes underfoot, it is only a matter of time before an employee trips. Then the chance of injury due to a fall, twisted ankle or a blown pipe is significant.

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