
Roof-Work-Construction-300x199Roof repair for your business is a costly investment you may want to avoid for as long as possible. Luckily, summer is a great time to perform some simple roof maintenance and keep your investment sound for as long as possible. At Pipe Prop, we know that performing basic maintenance and adding new systems, such as our adjustable pipe support system, can significantly increase the life of your roof.

Check Gutters

Keeping your gutters clean and clear is an apparently never-ending task, particularly if you live near a substantial number of trees. It is, however, an important part of roof maintenance, and it should be done at least once a year to prevent roof damage, depending on your environment. It is also important to make sure your gutters are attached properly and do not have any holes or cracks.

Inspect Sealants

The sealants on your roof do not last forever. Heat, cold, water and even animals can damage sealants, leading to more involved roof repair. It is important to examine all of your sealants for signs of wear and replace them if necessary.

Replace Missing Shingles

No roof exam should ever be considered complete without a thorough search for any missing shingles. Shingles can often fly off in high winds or other extreme weather. While a few shingles can be easy to replace, it is important to identify any missing pieces early before more costly roof repair is needed.

Support Pipes

Our adjustable pipe elevation system can reduce damage to pipes and your roof, keeping your roof working properly for as long as possible. Our system safely and securely elevates pipes above the surface of the roof, eliminating unnecessary wear. To find out more about the system and whether it is suitable for your building, feel free to call Pipe Prop at 1-800-590-0120 today.